Monday, November 13, 2006

Sean Hannity made me a Liberal!

I have been teetering for a long time over whether or not I identified better with the Liberal or Conservative persuasion. I have always kind of leaned towards liberalism in most of my personal beliefs, but since the only talk radio that seems to exist anywhere I have lived is conservative, I have never really commited myself either way. Guys like Hannity and Rush can be pretty persuasive in their arguments and do an excellent job of painting liberals as the awful, evil manipulative people who are out to destroy everything. I am never one to just buy into propaganda though, so I make an effort to read the news for myself.

So today I am driving home from work early and so I got to listen to Hannity instead of my normal Michael Savage. I don't normally listen to Hannity because he just gets on my nerves, but today I did. And boy did he open my eyes to the conservative movement and the Republicans. Here are a few of the things he said and my responses to them. I shouldn't be too hard to see why he made me a certified Liberal. Keep in mind that Hannity did not expound on anything the liberals are saying. He just through out inflamatory headlines without painting the whole picture for his listeners. This is how they make the liberals look bad. They take one line of a story and paint it to look awful. When I read the whole story about why they are saying the things they are saying I happen to agree with them more than the conservatives.

The Dems are going to raise your taxes and repeal the Bush tax cuts.
Okay by me. I read today that an independent financial firm determined that if the Dems do nothing else but let the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010, by 2012 our deficit will be 10 trillion dollars less. If I have to pay a little extra taxes in order to protect the financial future of our country for my grandchildren than I am all for it. I look at it as an investment in the future.

Hillary Clinton is wanting to put the Health Care issue back on the table.
Having been someone who has not had health insurance for years until very recently, I understand the frustration and fear that comes from not being able to see a doctor. I am open to exploring different ideas and thoughts concerning health care reform in this country.

The Dems want to raise the minimum wage and hurt small businesses.
Waaa. Have you ever had to try to live on minimum wage? How many of the rich republican congressmen who oppose the raise have? They are quick to give themselves raises all the time, and they don't even need it. Businesses will be fine.

And last but not least, the Dems want to "cut and run" in Iraq and surrender to the terrorists.

Funny. If you read the whole story about what the Dems want to do it makes much more sense than what we are doing now. Lets take a look at what we are doing now. We are dumping billions of dollars into a lawless nation. The people have been killing each other for thousands of years. We send them guns and supplies and a huge percentage of them disappear, only to be found in the hands of terrorists killing our kids. And what progress is being made? From what have seen and read things are just getting worse. A recent poll showed that our being there is just increasing the terrorists' hatred of us and is spawning more terrorists wanting to kill us. The Iraqi "government", and I use that term loosely, has no incentive to get their act together and start taking care of themselves and their own problems because they have us there on an open-ended deployment.

In summary, we are spending billions to give terrorists more reasons to kill our kids with our own guns.

The evil Dems want to begin a phased pull out of our troops. This is to be done in such a way to put pressure on the "government" over there to get there acts together and start taking care of themselves. They are not advocating a full and immediate withdrawal. They are saying we withdraw in stages in order to show them that we are not going to be there forever. They will either get it together, or they will erupt in an all out civil war. It is up to them.

So I just want to thank Sean for opening my eyes. The Dems have plans. The GOP just wants you to think that they don't. And listening to a champion of the GOP today spewing half-truths and propaganda just opened my eyes to the reality of the GOP: They are just a bunch of closed-minded rich white boys who have never had to work for a living. They are afraid of losing their power because then they might have to find a real job instead of working 100 days a year and making millions of taz payers dollars for it.


Blogger PACO said...

I know this is very very late, but I listened to Sean Hannity yesterday for the first time. After finishing, I wondered if anyone had ever used the phrase, "Sean Hannity made me a Liberal," because that's exactly how I felt after listening to him. Thanks for expressing my opinion for me.

8:53 AM  

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