Monday, October 30, 2006


One of the most core foundations of democracy is the right to vote. I love our country. I love our system, for the most part, and I hope it survives for a thousand more years.

But I am not going to vote next week, and here is why.

I always used to feel that when you voted you had to choose between the lesser of 2 evils. I have never in my life felt like I had found a politician who I could look up to and who could relate to me and my life. Probably the closest I ever got was with Jesse Ventura and in some very small ways Ross Perot. These two men were guys that I felt understood what it was like to be a working American. They knew what it was like to wonder about the little things, like how you were going to pay the mortgage next month. Well Ross turned out to be a flake and Jesse has disappeared from the public eye, stating over and over again that he has no desire to run for national level public office, a feeling I can understand.

But now who do we have? A bunch of career politicians who know nothing but politics. They know nothing except how to cast themselves in the best possible light at the expense of their opponent. They have no real stands of their own. They stand for what they feel the majority want, which makes them totally wishy-washy and gives them no integrity of their own. All I see on TV is one guy in a suit attacking another guy in a suit, trying to tell me how bad the other guy is and how much he is going to ruin my life if I vote for him. Once in a while they will put on something totally stupid looking to try to look like a common man, complete with their forced smile and fake handshakes. The reason I likes Jesse and Ross, and the reason I also admire Michael Savage, is because of their unwavering stance on what they believe in. Whether you like them or not, agree with them or not, they are not going to try to hide what they truly stand for in order to garner votes. When they talk they are going to tell it like it is. A vote for a man like Jesse is a vote for a man with integrity. Whether you agree with him or not, you can count on him not changing his mind or flaking on his promises when the pressure is on.

Whenever I hear the news lately it is never about where people stand. For example, I heard a news story the other day talking solely about how much money the Republicans were spending on ads in key states. It was in the millions. Then the Democrats had to respond and tell us about how they spent even more than the Republicans. There was no mention of what one side or the other was going to do if elected. It was simply “I can spend more money than you.”

I can think of so many things that that money would have been better spent on than attack commercials. Especially when most normal, common people like me just get irritated by those types of commercials (At least that is what I hear from everyone I know).

So what am I supposed to do? Now I feel that I am no longer choosing between the lesser of two evils so much as I am trying to guess who is going to take longer to destroy our country. I suppose I could vote for a Libertarian or some other third-party person, but they have no chance in hell of winning since they don’t have the money to be considered worthy to take place in debates and other public forums. Remember, you have to be rich and have high connections to have the right to debate the two suits. So why should I vote for someone who has no chance?

I love our system, but it is so broken that it no longer functions as it should. There is no fairness in it, and it will be won by the guy with the most money and connections anyways, so I think I am just going to stay home.

And hope that I still have a home by the time these politicians have their way.


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