Wednesday, November 08, 2006


What an interesting couple of days it has been! The Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and the Senate is still in the midst of a heated neck and neck race. I also just read that Donald Rumsfeld, whom I have been a staunch hater of for years, is FINALLY stepping down. Where to start here…

I don’t generally side with any particular party. I do tend to lean towards the liberal side of things do to my personal beliefs and lifestyle, but I don’t like a lot of the current batch of Dems due to their inability to stand up for anything concrete. They all seem to be wishy-washy on things, leaning first one way and then the other.

But I do feel that we need a changing of the guard. It seems to me that the current Republican congress has done next to nothing the past several years except argue and take recesses. I am not sure if the Dems are going to be any better but at least they will be different. I guess we will just have to watch what happens over the next 2 years.

As for Rumsfeld, I am so glad he is gone. I don’t like him for a lot of the same reasons I don’t like Bush. They seem to like consolidating power unto themselves, finding ways to bypass the system of checks and balances that our constitution lays out. Rumsfeld in particular does not listen to criticism. I find it interesting the number of people who are willing to express a difference of opinion with him publicly has dropped drastically since he came to power. Early on, those who didn’t see things his way were “retired” or they just disappeared. Take for example General Shinseki. You remember him, don’t ya? He was the decorated army general who was a veteran of urban warfare in the Balkans. He told congress that we were going to need at least 300,000 troops to secure the peace in Iraq after we toppled Saddam. This was in stark contrast to what Rumsfeld wanted to hear, and within weeks Shinseki was “retiring”. Now Rumsfeld has surrounded himself with yes-men and nobody stands up to him.

Who better to ask about how to run a war like the one in Iraq than a decorated military commander with that specific experience?

So today has been a monumental day in our nation, and I will be curious to see what happens next.


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